I Spy Wedding Reception Game
Are you looking for a fun and new idea for your wedding guests to partake in? How about an I Spy wedding game? Place a card on each dinner table with various different pictures you’d like your guests to capture. They can find the pictures on their own or work in cohoots with the rest of the table to get the shots. This will be sure to get your guests mingling at the dinner tables! Have your guests upload them to facebook or a central location where all can see the great pictures. You can make these on your own if you are a DIY bride, or purchase them with the rest of your wedding stationery. We found this I Spy game from Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/shop/uluckygirl
Here are some other fun photos you can have your guest capture:
-Group photo of everyone at your table
-Photo of each family or couple at your table
-Bride and groom holding hands
-Groom watching bride from a distance
-Mother of the bride crying
-Bride and groom first dance
-Someone making a toast
-Groom playing with his ring
-Best dancer (in action)
-Bride watching groom from a distance
-Bride and her mother dancing
-Favorite decoration
-Bride playing with her rings
-Worst dancer (in action)
-Cutest old couple
-Artistic shot of your food
-Artistic shot of centerpiece
-Sleepy kid
-People laughing
Have fun with it and be creative!
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