6 Healthy Lifestyle Habits to Adopt Before Your Wedding Day
Your wedding will be one of the happiest memories of your life but the planning that goes into it is stressful. You’ve probably spent a lot of time over the years imagining your perfect wedding and trying to make that a reality is no easy task.
The sheer number of decisions that you have to make, from selecting the venue and color scheme to choosing outfits, music and more can be absolutely overwhelming. Many brides tend to put their own physical, mental, emotional and health on the back burner while planning the wedding.
This is one of the worst mistakes that you can make because it will have a severe impact on your health and what’s worse is that you won’t even be able to enjoy your own wedding. Adopting healthy lifestyle habits before your wedding day will help to protect your health and keep you radiant and glowing with happiness on your big day.
Healthy Lifestyle Habits to Adopt Before Your Wedding Day
- Follow a Healthy Diet
When we are stressed, we often reach for our favorite “comfort foods” which are typically fried foods or highly processed foods. There’s no doubt that these delicious foods can help us forget our problems for a short amount of time but they also contribute to anxiety and depression.
One of the main reasons for this is that our diet directly impacts our gut microbiome. Your gut microbiome consists of about 100 trillion microbes – when you eat healthy food, you have an increase in healthy gut bacteria called probiotics.
Research shows that a healthy gut microbiome has a positive impact on mental health. When you’re switching to a healthy diet, you can choose between the best weight loss supplements in the market that have been vetted by independent experts to help you get healthy.
Some of these supplements also contain probiotics which will help to quickly improve your gut microbiome which in turn, reduces your overall stress and anxiety.
- Cut back on sugar
When we think of sugar, we automatically associate it with sweet treats like ice cream or baked goods but sugar can hide in many everyday foods without you even realizing it. Many foods that are marketed as healthy like protein bars, granola, instant oatmeal, and flavored yogurt typically have high amounts of added sugars.
Even ketchup, barbecue sauce, salad dressing and other savory foods often hide added sugars. Studies show that sugary foods have a high glycemic load and correlate to acne. In fact, controlled trials show that a 10-week low glycemic load diet and probiotics improve acne and skin health. Reducing your intake of sugar can help you have smooth and blemish-free skin on your wedding day.
- Drink Water Throughout the Day
Most of us do not make it a habit to drink water throughout the day and instead, we only drink water when we feel thirsty. However, when you’re rushed, you’re more likely to ignore your thirst which can leave you mildly dehydrated.
This is a problem because when your fluid intake is lower than it should be, your body prioritizes critical functions over things like hair and skin health. This is why even mild dehydration for a prolonged period can affect hair strength and increase shedding as well as leave you with dull and patchy skin. The recommendation for women is 6 to 9 cups of water daily. You can carry a water bottle with you to ensure that you drink enough water throughout your day.
- Follow a Regular Sleep Schedule
As a bride-to-be, you’ve got a lot on your plate and it may seem like the only way to get everything done is to sacrifice a couple of hours of your sleep every now and then. This is a terrible idea because your lack of sleep will reduce your productivity the next day so it can quickly form a vicious cycle.
If you’re not used to a regular sleep time, it can be difficult to cultivate this habit. Ideally, you should try to go to sleep anywhere between ten and eleven at night. Make a note of the distractions that keep you from following a regular sleep schedule and then take steps to eliminate those distractions.
For example, if you keep scrolling through online content on your phone, you can use apps like Keep me Out and Lock me Out. These apps allow you to set a specific time after which you will not be able to access the apps that distract you.
- Manage Your Stress
Managing stress is not easy but when you’re a bride planning your big day, it seems downright impossible. A simple way to reduce your stress is to do deep breathing exercises. Deep breathing exercises copy a relaxed breathing pattern which triggers your body’s relaxation response – it lowers your heart rate and blood pressure.
It reduces the levels of stress hormones in your blood. There are plenty of other stress management techniques that you can use to stay calm under pressure.
- Exercise Daily
Daily exercise is a great habit to cultivate as it offers a wide range of physical and mental health benefits. Once you get used to exercising on a daily basis, you will find that you feel less stressed and lethargic and your energy levels are higher.
You can start off with a 5-minute brisk walk every morning and once you are comfortable with this, you can change that to a jog or run. You can also add a short workout later in the day for better results. Daily exercise also improves circulation which in turn improves skin and hair health so that you look your best on your big day.
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