5 Wedding Traditions to Incorporate in Your Christian Ceremony

According to lovenet-jp.com, most Christians’ biggest motivation when dating is to get married. There’s no doubt that once you finally find your special someone that religion will play an impactful role in your wedding. If you and your fiancé are practicing Christians, you know that it was your faith that brought you together and will create a strong foundation for a lasting relationship. This bond can make your special day even more emotional.

Now, your wedding is approaching, and you want to celebrate it with some traditions that also express your faith.

It’s time to take your dating relationship to the next level and to the altar. These customs have been passed down from generation to generation. You’ll start your married relationship with your companion in harmony with these five traditions. 

Wedding Ceremony

1. Groom Entering First

Christian marriages are rooted in a covenant between a husband and wife in the presence of God. The groom entering first happens because the man is traditionally the inciter in the covenant and leading the responsibility of their union. 

If the boyfriend in the relationship proposed to his girlfriend, and she accepted her proposal, it is fitting for him to wait for her as she accepts their union on their wedding day. And everyone loves to watch the groom’s face as he sees his bride for the first time.

2. Bridal Dress

Picking a bridal dress is one of the most important decisions for a woman’s big day. The Christian tradition of a white dress comes from the New Living Bible translation in Revelations 19:7-8, which mentions the bride as wearing the “finest of pure linen.” 

A white dress is not only timeless but also an honorable way to show your purity and devotion to your soon-to-be husband. 

3. Bridal Veil

According to ancient practices, veils were believed to guard off evil spirits. A veil represented a woman being untouched from the spirits. Along with a white dress, a bridal veil is also a Christian wedding tradition for the bride’s ensemble. A matching white veil completes the bridal outfit and another beautiful way to express purity. 

When the groom lifts the bride’s veil once she is presented to him, he is the first one to see her face, spirit-free.

4. The Exchanges of Rings

Wedding rings symbolize a circular loop that your relationship’s love is infinite. The rings are a nice custom to show your commitment and love for each other publicly. In a Christian wedding, the rings are exchanged after reciting the vows. This exchange represents the lasting promise you made to each other in front of God. 

Generally, the pastor or priest will bless these rings. A great way to express your love for your spouse and Christ

5. Unity Candle

The Unity Candle ceremony is routinely followed after the Exchange of Rings. The ceremony is a way to unite the two households and hearts as they become one through marriage. 

There are three candles. A parent of each couple lights the two outside candles to represent the separate families. The center candle is lit by both the bride and groom to show their unity. 

This is a nondenominational tradition that can be thoughtfully done within a Christian wedding to create a new Christian household. 


Weddings are a traditional event found in different religions, regions, and cultures. Dating and being engaged is a special time for Christians to maintain their beliefs. 

These wedding traditions are a fantastic way to expand your relationship with your partner and Christ. You’ll walk down the aisle knowing you’re honoring your new partner and God. 

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