Things You Need To Do Before Popping the Question
The proposal―one of the most truly romantic moments in a person’s life as it clears the direction to which the relationship is headed: a life together. Now that you’ve found the right person to be with, it’s only natural to want to make this special. Before you go planning what you think would be the dream proposal, there are certain things you need to do that might not be on your list.
1.) Have you spoken with her family?
As old-fashioned as it may sound, it’s still a much-treasured act to ask for her family’s blessing. It would earn you the highest respects of the people who are trusting you with their family member’s happiness. Prioritize the parents, especially the dad. After all, they raised her and he’ll be giving her away to you on the special day if she agrees to marry you. Also talk to any sibling she’s close with, if any, and extended family like grandma and grandpa. One advantage is you could ask if there’s any family heirloom ring they would gladly pass down to the two of you. Getting a free ring is a given advantage but what makes this one special is the history and the love of previous couples in the family, and knowing that your story has now become part of this heart-melting chain.
2.) Did you allocate a budget?
We’re not just talking about ring budget. You’re planning forever together, remember? We’re talking about preparations for the proposal, the wedding, the honeymoon, your future home. People are more practical these days and the idea of spending months’ worth of your salary is beginning to lose hold on society. A lot of aspiring brides would prefer their partners buy less expensive engagement rings and put most of the hard-earned money into planning the honeymoon or the house.
3.) Are her interests and preferences your main criteria in the planning?
This includes the engagement ring too! Is she partial to an ostentatious piece of jewelry as they match her magnetic personality or something more classic and simple yet timeless? When planning the surprise proposal, think about what catches her attention and keeps it. This helps you think of unique and personalized ideas to make it more memorable for her. She’ll love you for it and would greatly enjoy retelling the story to everyone she knows who’d be asking once your engagement is announced.
4.) Keep the ring safe.
This is not a question meant to be asked but a must for every man when they plan to propose. Oddly, many men execute risky proposal ideas such as placing it in food and more only to lose the engagement ring in the garbage or have the dog swallow it by accident. Such a sentimental item should be guarded more closely. Engagements can still be romantic and unique without putting the ring in danger of getting lost. Tip: take extra caution when including animals in the plans but it would be best to steer clear of them.
5.) Relax.
If you get a positive response, the proposal is only the beginning of a period of hectic schedules, seemingly never-ending planning, and streams of relatives and friends you need to give your attention to. Relish this moment and allow her giggles and hysterical jumping to be embedded in your mind. You can’t recreate this moment so immerse yourself in it.
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